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Delavan Bates, letter

November 6, 1862

"When I last wrote to you I told you I was stricken with the fever and should have to go to the hospital a short time. The regimental hospital had no medicine and so I was sent to Hagerstown to the general hospital. Here I found things just the same. I received one pill in two days. I telegraphed for you but guess you did not receive it and am now glad you did not for I and Lt. Van Horne have succeeded in obtaining a place at a private house in the village where we have the best of nursing and good medical treatment. You need not feel worried about me for I shall fare just as well as though I was at home. You need not send me any money until I get well enough to need it when I will write."


Name: Delavan Bates

Unit: 121st Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry (Slocum’s Division, Franklin’s Corps), Co. I

Document Information

Type: Letter


  • Hospitals/Medical Care

Event Location: Hagerstown, Washington Co., MD

Document Origin: Hagerstown, Washington Co., MD


Delavan Bates to Alpheus Bates. November 6, 1862. Transcribed by William S. Saint. Obtained from Accessed on May 4, 2010.