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William H. Beach, memoir

in reference to September 1862

"There was a secession sentiment in Emmitsburg. Some of the officers entering the town in advance of the column were taken for the foremost of Lee’s army. They did not correct the impression, and were well treated by the southern sympathizers. The choicest old liquors in the cellar were placed before them. The entertainers were somewhat chagrined when they saw the true colors of the column.”


Name: William H. Beach

Unit: 1st Regiment New York (Lincoln) Cavalry, Co. F&B

Document Information

Type: Memoir


  • Civilian Support for the Confederacy

Event Location: Emmitsubrg, Frederick Co., MD

Document Origin: N/A


Beach, William H. The First New York (Lincoln) Cavalry: from April 19, 1861 to July 7, 1865. New York: Lincoln Cavalry Association, 1902, 171.